I fell in love with Chicago. I admit it. I couldn’t get over the liberal mecca. It was just so awesome. Andy and I stayed at the Drake Hotel near Michigan Ave and saw all of Chicago with Future Mama-in-Law, Future Papa-in-Law and Future Sister-in-Law. We spent the first day walking down the “magnificent mile.” And man that mile is MAGNIFICENT.


One of my favorite things about Chicago was how clean it was. It may not seem clean to people who live there, but to anyone who has been in San Francisco, you could eat off Chicago’s streets. Andy mentioned that it smells way better than New York City too, which I have no personal evidence of, but I’ll take his word on that.

What also made it beautiful is it wasn’t subject to its design being hampered by water. Of course Lake Michigan and the Chicago River are there, but there are no bays, oceans, or sounds that impede its structure and layout. It’s just this perfectly designed city with one amazingly tall building after another. Unlike Seattle, which I love but always thought was awkwardly designed.

Chicago River. Every St. Patrick’s day apparently
they dye it green!


Even more awesome.

 My favorite thing about Chicago was THE BEAN!! Apparently no one else calls it that but me but I LOVED THE BEAN. It was shaped like a bean. A giant bean. I guess the point was that it was curved so the entire city of Chicago could be reflected in the bean. But I just liked that it looked like a bean.


Look how bean-ish it is

Andy also took me to the very top of the Sears Tower (which is now called the Willis Tower). It has beautiful views of Chicago. We went all the way to the 102nd floor and sat in the SKYBOX. This clear box sticks out from the side of the Sears Tower and you can sit in and stare down onto the street 1,000 feet below.


Daredevils, if ever I saw one.
As if Chicago couldn’t get any better, Andy took me to The Signature Room for dinner on the 95th floor of the John Hancock Building. It was amazing. 
View of Navy Pier from our dinner table.

Lake Michigan was awesome too. The only thing that killed me about the Lake area and Chicago in general was the WIND. Crazy insane WIND. It blew me over. Literally.

Conclusion: Chicago is awesome. And I loved the Bean.

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