Oregon Coastal Wine Tasting: Buddah Kat’s Newest Addition

The Oregon coast is known for a lot of things: sandy beaches, stalker seagulls, fun shopping, and unique restaurants. A more adult-way to enjoy the coast is to embark on a wine tasting adventure – Oregon is known for its rich pinot noirs and proud wineries that work hard to distance themselves from the California vineyards and the famous grapes of Walla Walla, Washington, and the Columbia Valley.

The two best places to wine taste are Cannon Beach, Oregon and Seaside, Oregon (they sit roughly 9 miles away from each other, about a 15 minute drive). Cannon Beach’s wine environment is a little more subtle than Seaside’s, but there are a couple fun wine tasting and beer tasting rooms tucked around. Don’t miss The Wine Shack, located at 124 North Hemlock Street, and the Cannon Beach Distillery, located at 255 North Hemlock, and the relatively new Westport Winery Tasting Room, also located at 255 North Hemlock, right behind the Cannon Beach Distillery.

The Westport Winery Tasting Room offers wine tastings from the Westport Winery Garden Resort, located in Aberdeen, Washington. Kelly and I spent some time in this new tasting room; you got five tastings for $5. I chose the “Peaches on the Beaches,” a Peach Riesling, “Courage,” a hard apple cherry cider, “Shorebird,” a chardonnay, “Lighthouse, a dry riesling, and “Captain Gray” a gewüztraminer (my new favorite!)

Don enjoying some hard apple cherry cider

Seaside, Oregon, a slightly quirkier and louder town roughly 9 miles north of Cannon Beach, boasts a fun and long downtown stretch through Broadway St. Fun stores, shops, and restaurants dot Broadway St., which culminate at the seaside Promenade, three blocks from the Seaside Aquarium, which offers daily seal feedings (you can also feed the seals yourself for just a few dollars). If you’re staying in a Seaside hotel, look for a brochure on the Seaside Aquarium; the pamphlet usually includes a certificate for a free bag of seal food. The seals are fun – each one has a unique name and known birthday. Say hi to five-year-old Frankie and 2 year-old Casey if you go.

Don with his fish food

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As you’re exploring around, don’t miss the Heron’s Nest Gift Shop (located inside the Pig ‘N Pancake restaurant), Rascals sweets, and the Seaside Carousel Mall.

Every fall, Seaside does a Downton Fall Wine Walk (this year it was on November 12, 2016). It’s a fun and easy way to experience all the different wines and wineries throughout Oregon, many which traveled quite far to offer tastings of their wines. In addition, you get to experience local Seaside tasting rooms like the awesome Buddha Kat Winery, located at 37 North Edgewood.

The Fall Wine Walk usually offers 20-25 wineries from all areas of Oregon. Each winery and their wines are stationed at different downtown hot spots and stores. Unless you’re running from place to place and profess the alcohol tolerance of James Bond, you’re highly unlikely to hit every winery/stop. Pick your battles.

What you should not miss is the Buddha Kat Winery, located at 37 N. Edgewood St. While you’re tasting be sure to check out their BRAND NEW wine, a Cerise Chocolate Port made with organic cherries and chocolate extract oil. The wine is aged in oak and has an awesome cherry flavor. It’s worth buying a bottle. Or two. Not to mention the staff is awesome; they showed Don around the place, gave him a sip of the Port and even let him chill behind the counter with the Buddha Kat team. Don’t miss this spot.


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