Honeymoon Day 17: Saying Goodbye and Saying Hello

Saying goodbye to Greece was very difficult. It was a beautiful and unique country, with loving and inviting people. The food, hospitality, and history was humbling and amazing. It was particularly hard for Don, as he had to say goodbye to his homeland.
At the Athens airport. Despite his smile, he was not happy to be leaving Greece.
I was sitting at the airport thinking of all the things in Greece I was leaving and how sad I was. As A.A. Milne said, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Andy and I were truly lucky that we weren’t begging to go home, that we wanted to stay, that we missed Greece before even leaving.

Then, I started thinking about all the friends in Alaska I had missed the past couple weeks and how much I was looking forward to seeing them again.

Andy and I are blessed to have friends all over the country, but especially on our minds on our way back to Alaska was the wonderful friends we got to look forward to seeing on our return home to Fairbanks, and actually how hard it was to say goodbye to them in the first place.  So, while it was hard to say goodbye to Greece, here’s to those people in Fairbanks who made saying hello again so wonderful.

If your beautiful face isn’t on here, that just means we need to hang out more and take more pictures together. Love you all, thanks for making our return a fabulous one.

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