Honeymoon Day 8: Climbing Mount Olympus Part I | Hiking, Petrostruga, Meeting Thomas, and the Dying Whale

Mt. Olympus is the tallest mountain in Greece and the second tallest in the Balkan mountain range. It has 52 total peaks, the highest being Mytikas, which means “nose” in Greek. Mytikas is 9,570 feet tall. It’s fame is due to its prominent place in Greek mythology. In these stories, Mt. Olympus was the home of […]

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Santorini, Greece

Santorini was, hands down, my favorite part of the entire trip. The island was magnificent and more beautiful than I imagined. Santorini is a Greek island in the southern Aegean Sea, roughly 120 miles from the Greece mainland. It’s about 35 square miles and sits essentially inside an old dormant volcano known as the “caldera.” […]

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Honeymoon Day 2 Part II: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Changing of the Guards, and Dinner at Ορίζοντες (Orizontes)

TEMPLE OF OLYMPIAN ZEUS After prying me away from Katrina the Kitty, Andy and I continued our exploration of Athens and made our way towards the Temple of Olympian Zeus, near the base of the Acropolis across the main thoroughfare of Athens. One section of the Temple of Olympian Zeus Construction of the Temple began […]

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Honeymoon Day 2 Part I: Exploring Athens, the Acropolis, the Plaka District, and My First Animal Friend

ATHENS Athens deserves a little bit of a historical rundown in order to understand its expansive history and ancient monuments. Before we left, the few guidebooks and websites we read described Athens as over-filled with concrete apartment complexes, unbearable traffic jams, and unrelenting clouds of smog known as nefos. While Andy and I did discover […]

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